Monday, December 31

Can it be so....NO PARTY...

I have nothing nice to say...

Hello Kanton Hills Family and Friends!

First of all, I wanted to say that I love where I live, I love the people I live next to and and the friends I have made living here in Kan ton Hills for over 2 years now. My family was about 3rd to buy here, and about 10-11 to move in and watched this place grow into what it is now.

Kanton's 1st Halloween was everyone loaded into Brian Freeman's SUV driving around..The entire community FIT into his truck! Then, back to my house for french bread pizza soda and treats! Froze, it was so cold.( We are still serving French Bread Pizza on Halloween to the same 10 or so families and over 10 more families each year)

Christmas came around with the mailbox gifts. Then we had many over for what was called the Tree Burning Party after New Years Eve. A chance to unwind from the holidays and chat with your Neighbor's, stress free! The kids roast marsh mellows, sit on the deck, drink hot cocoa, just good outdoor fun with people you live next to, but may only see once or twice a year at the two functions I put my heart and soul into, as a mother, a friend, and a good neighbor each year.

Each year I start planning how to make it better for the next and how to meet more of the people I live with.I love to find cards and gifts to give everyone of my neighbors at the holidays, handwritten, so you know I have taken the time to think about everyone.( The mailbox skates the first year, 2ND year Deer antlers, 3rd Santa Hats and boots...I'm already looking for next year) Kirk, being a Marine like most here hopes to keep his orders here. So, this is our home, Kanton Hills. Its not a resale, in two years, or rental in three. This is our home.

This afternoon, I was visited by a Zoning and Environmental Officer . It would seem as though after all the good I have put into my community, I have upset one household here in Kanton Hills. The officer said that one of the residents in Kanton Hills filed a complaint about my upcoming Tree Burning Party this weekend. They did not want me to have a gathering that I have had for 3 years running in Kanton, and about 7 years with my family in 3 states. Something, consistent with the moving in my children's lives. Also just a fun way to get rid of our trees! No harm! Right?
We also took in consideration our lot size. Its just under 2.5 acres and more than plenty SAFE area to burn the trees away from homes. We are not burning trash, plastics,bottles, or tires, just our trees we never seem to know what to do with. Its a solution, not a problem. Clearly that is our view and not every ones.

So, it saddens me to no end, that one person where I call home has ruined my children's fun, about 60 confirmed guests evening, and a lot of my personal time.(Time that I love giving to these type of things) I am so sorry you feel that this gathering was so awful, you must ruin it. Knocking on my door and telling us you had a problem would have been OK too.

The law says "Other allowable burning includes......bonfires for festive occasion. The guidelines state before BURNING of other things must be done prior to 6pm and not before 8am. If we allow people to bring their trees over to burn, we would be breaking the law without permits, and I don't have the time to acquire at this time.

I am trying to build traditions ever so small, and memories for my family and friends. I thought by inviting everyone I reside with I would meet 10-15 new families, but that is not the case.

Kirk and I are sorry that in our planning, that we upset one family, in turn ruining it for entire community. We still have our other traditions to enjoy here at Kanton Hills.

We wish everyone a Happy and Safe New Year's Eve and a Wonderful 2008!

Rhonda Swenson and Family

The Group trying to get together for picture...

Rich,Brian and Elizabeth enjoy the gathering with friends of mine Jen and Jer.
The Children....

Simple Fun...Something so simple, silly to most.

Our first Halloween as mention above in Brians SUV...Just more fun in Kanton Hills. We have the Stones, Bares, Freemans and Swenson's in there. The Trotters,Hytens and Hardages later cameover. That would be us all with children.

I know I sound bitter, and yes I am. So are the familes I have already called this morning to tell them everything is done for.


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Tuesday, December 25

Merry Christmas

We would all like to wish everyone a very special Christmas and a Happy New Year!

We miss all our family and our friends back at home!

Enjoy the pictures below, I sorta put 1000 on for everyone!


The Swenson Family

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Santa Cookie......and the morning after.....

Santa, please come to our house and bring us more STUFF...THANKS...

After we WOKE the kids up after 930am.....we made them wait..LOL

PLay time


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The time has come...WHAT DID I GET?????? Rather...what didn't I get!

Brittany loves her gift from Nana and Grandpa! So does Gunnar!
Daddy was very good to Mommy..She's like a bunny.....
Kirk and his Father Doug...looking GREAT!
The reading.....

Kirk and his PS3...Gabe.....he needs a friend to play with....NFL....4x4 racing ..Are you GAME? Us
The PS3 vs the PS2 who got the better deal???
Kirks Parents
What did you get brother?


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More Childs Play....

The pile!
Father and son...

They do love eachother...playing beanie babies! Banners Sandie painted at their church.
Just Drak...looking so cute
Swenson Three....


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Vikes game........With Boyd and Michelle..Missy too!

Kirk and his date....not the Vike wife... Kirk in his happy place....The Dome!
The Snow downtown

Missy, Hanah, Emily and herdad are in this picture..I can see them!

Downtown Lights!

Kirk and his Viking wife Missy...It was so cool to have Missy and Hanah at the same game in MN at the sametime! Kirk never misses a game with his girl.!
Rhonda and Michelle...thank you for taking us!


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