Our little Foote Passed....
We had a Kitty Kitty die a fe months ago. I am a bit behind the blogging curve on it. The morning after our Tree Burning Party our baby kitty Foote just died. I walked by her and rubbed her with my foot as I walked by, and she meowed. A minute or two later Jeremy walked by and went to pet her and she had just died in front of the frenchdoors in the sunroom. She and #2 just loved to sleep there where the sun hit. The kids didn't take it very well. She was a wonderful kitty cat. Mommy and #2 slept in that spot where she died for a very long time after she died. Its been a few months now, and they still are. We still miss her. Foote was a great soft kitty, it was Gunnars Cat and we miss her.
#2 Saying goodbye to his sister
Headed to the Service
Digging the resting site.
Putting her down. Mommy cat comes to help.
Labels: Gunnars Cat
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